
Post 1900 Politics

Right back from the very first lecture where we discussed Jean Jacques Rousseau, a French Politician and Tom Wolfe, one of the founders of the New Journalism movement in the 1960's and 70's i have been thinking of the relevance of discussing politics from this period of time in reference to the politicians of today. 

Of course its important to have an understanding of the foundations of the politics that todays society are built on however i'm of the opinion that today's politics are completely different to how they were in the early 1900's. The change in tactics and different politics goes hand in hand with evolution of society, however i believe that studying individual politicians today would be far more interesting and beneficial rather than discussing the likes of Tom Wolfe etc. 

I would far rather discuss current political parties plans etc than to previous politicians , as personally i think it would benefit all of us if we knew more about the politics hidden within journalism.

I believe this because todays society has to be so politically correct its unreal. A politician in Tom Wolfe's time could air his views on anything and had his freedom of speech, however, if any politician from any party was to air his own views and plans in todays society, they would be frowned upon and most likely action would be taken against the offender. This controversy makes for good debate and would allow others to gain a greater understanding of the different political parties within the UK.

Whilst i enjoy learning about politics as i think its quite intellectual and allows for good healthy debate i question its relevance to our course in some ways. Whilst politics are pivotal within Journalism i don't believe that early 1900's politicians are necessarily applicable to the modern political agenda. 

Thoughts please...