
WINOL Week 5 Debriefing


Reading suggestion from Chris : On bureaucracy – Max Vaber

Opening shots – too many views of campus, get different/alternative shots
Don’t use the word alleged old fashioned and opens you to being sued, the word vandalism is LIBEL, had to be removed.

The Council Statement – punctuality – council IS not are, always correct grammar unless you’re intentionally showing them up

Park and ride story – good expo – use of the word “claimed” is strong. Interviews good, but try to get more damning quotes.

Officers in schools – slightly biased piece, rule on identifying people,

Email story – classically written introduction, who what where when why,

Sport -

Bulletin overall was okay, not on time, takes a hit on traffic which is not good. Content and detail was strong, presentation was good and only a few technical glitches.