Taken from bbc.co.uk :
Allegations about MPs' allowances are to be examined by a panel of police officers and lawyers amid growing calls for action over the expenses scandal.
Met officers and Crown Prosecution Service lawyers will look at complaints made against individual MPs to see if they merit a criminal investigation.
Labour minister Shahid Malik stood down on Friday pending an inquiry into his expenses, and has defended his actions.
MPs from all parties have repaid thousands of pounds for claims made.
A week after the Daily Telegraph began publishing details of expense claims, many MPs felt events were now "spiralling out of control", said BBC political correspondent Jo Coburn.
TYPICAL , whilst the rest of us sit here in a economic crisis , making a hard honest living, the SCUM we are obliged to adhere to break rules and spend OUR money. And the UK is a fair democracy - my arse! Pardon my french but im fed up of these ignorant no good politicians living the life whilst the rest of us honest people suffer.
Hence why for my politics essay i have decided to answer the question : It has been asserted (by Lord Hailsham and others) that the UK is not a democracy but that it is an elective dictatorship. To what extent is this true, and if it is true, does it matter?