Michael Jackson - A True Icon

Togo - Don't Give In!

After last night's shocking events, in which Togo's national football team's coach was ambushed by terrorists brandishing machine guns, resulting in the death of three men, including the assistant coach, the bus driver and the team spokesman, Togo today have announced they are considering boycotting the tournament and are attempting to get the other nations to join them.
For me, this is completley and utterly the wrong decision/movement.
Yes, the event is an attrocity and one that should never have been allowed to happen, (the security must be tightened at such events) but what one must understand is that terrorists can't be stopped. We can only combat terrorism by attempting to prevent it from happening, there will always be terrorists, their aim is to cause terror and spread fear. They have caused terror, in the result of 3 deaths and other injuries to players and members of staff, however, by boycotting the tournament, Togo are sending out the wrong message, they are letting the terrorists win and spreading fear across the continent.
The only way to tackle terrorists is to oppose them, be unfazed by their disgusting actions however hard that may be. Many people may not agree with me , however Margaret Thatcher was one of the best PM's this country has ever had, yes thats right , a woman. She had the perfect response for a journalist when the Argentinians were invading the Falklands, she simply replied "We will not negotiate with terrorists".
Thus in my opinion it is essential that Togo compete in the African Cup of Nations and that the tournament goes ahead as planned and let the authorities find the culprits and punish them accordingly......
The Big Freeze/Failure

As i'm sure you are all aware (unless you are one of those Briton's lucky enough to be on holiday or just completely unaware of the arctic conditions outside your home) the weather in Britain has been disastrous these past few weeks. Record amounts of snow has fallen and some places in the UK even had the nostalgic much sought after "White Christmas".
However, as per usual, the country has come to a grinding halt. Schools and Shops have shut for days on end , putting GCSE exams in doubt and harming the attempted regrowth of the economy accordingly. And what has the government done about it, reduced salt/grit supplies by 25% in an attempt to preserve ever dominishing supplies.
The government was warned by the MET office , weeks in advance of this "Freeze" that temperatures and conditions would be hectic, so instead of doing the intelligent thing in warning local authorities and providing counsils with extra grit , they sat back and let the snow hit us.
Now, i'm far from an expert on politics neither of weather predictions, but surely, just surely, common sense would have kicked in, and Brown and his delirious cabinet members should have been more prepared than they are, but i suppose that would be too much to ask. Given that the MP's are dropping like flies around him, this was Browns chance to maybe just maybe show some initiative that could go someway (not far at all) in the way of showing just how on earth he is the leader of this country that is going faster downhill than holiday makers in Les Arcs and The Alps alike.
Maybe Clarkson had it right when he describe Brown as a "one eyed scottish idiot".
Iceland (The Country) - As Cheap As The Supermarket?
So today, not only did i wake to what one could mistake for Icelandic weather conditions but also to the news that Iceland's president has refused to sign a bill to repay $5bn to the UK and the Netherlands.
President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson has instead opted to hold a referendum on the bill, following public large protests and outcry. On 2nd January, the president even received a petition calling for the bill to be vetoed, signed by almost a quarter of the country's population such is the disapproval from the public.
President Grimsson says the referendum will happen ASAP, now i admire the fact he is listening to the public and giving them the chance to have their say for their country, however, we are all suffering in these economic conditions and that money is owed to the UK and can't simply be written off because of a vote.
It will be interesting to see what Gordon Brown has to say about this.......
P.S Happy New Year fellow bloggers and Winchester Students!!