Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) - The King of Pop - without a shadow of a doubt.
I felt it was about time that i wrote a blog on the man because without being too cliche, his music has really had an impact on my life. No matter how bad or sad a mood i get in, as soon as i hear a record of his, my mood is instantly transformed into happiness (so much so i believe i can sing , much to the annoyance of those who are normally around me albeit on the tube or at home!!)
His countless number ones, go a long way to showing his dominance of popular music, but perhaps the most telling feature of his career was sadly, his death. The news was dominated by the great man's demise for weeks. He had been on the verge of a sell out come-back tours and despite rumour about his apparent poor health, the since released movie "This Is It" has put to be questions surrounding his health showing the great man at his best albeit drugged up to the eyeballs!!
Theres no doubt Jackson was a troubled man, and we will never know the truth about his apparent skin condition, the amount of plastic surgery he had, but do you know what, that doesn't matter, we lost a true great in 2009 , a God who walked amongst mere mortal men. Now some may say that is a over exagerration but i genuinely believe it to be the truth.
Jackson had a talent, a natural gift, of song and dance, that most of the current music industry today could only begin to dream about.
Now obviously being born in 1989, i missed out on a large chunk of his career but i've done my research and it seems that no matter how hard i look there is no real explanation for his sudden transformation from a young good looking black male, to a middle aged, troubled, white male accused of pedophilia.
Undoubtedly, Jackson's fame from a young age affected him mentally and that telling interview with Martin Bashir was compelling television and answered lots of questions, but i for one, do not believe Jackson was a paedophile, just merely a man who missed out on his childhood and who was suffering for it later in life. Its funny how, i find myself being a journalism student, yet i hate the very thought of journalists who hassle people, especiallly some celebrities, so much so that they have their lives ruined.
Michael was a victim of bad press, its funny however, the millions of dollars he earnt that he gave away to charity, the visits he made to sick children all over the world, the concerts in aid of all kinds of charitable causes, go unmentioned, yet the mans desire to have the perfect face or skin colour made the front page of every paper and dominated his life as a celebrity.
Jackson, clearly did make some strange choices in his life regarding his surgery and particularly odd yet sad comments likening himself to Peter Pan, but don't we all have weaknesses and things about ourselves we would love to change.
No matter the incidents or events in his personal life, the man was a musical genious, and i don't think any of us will experience another musical prodigy such as him whilst we live.
That is what I will remember him as....
The blog is fine, but rather light on HCJ content - need to keep up with the reading and make that evident.