
Osama to Obama - Or is it a hoax?

A newly released audio tape said to be the voice of Osama Bin Laden, leader of the terrorist group Al Quaeda was aired on Al Jazeera today stating that the US will never live in peace until there is "peace in Palestine".

The audio tape also claims that Al Quaeda were behind the christmas day attempted terrorist act carried out by Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who has been charged with attempting to blow up the Delta Airline's plane as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam.

The tape comes in the same week that the UK has lifted its terror level threat to "severe" meaning an attack is possibly imminent and comes as an unpleasant reminder of the world in which we live.

We can find just about anything in this world with the technology we have, but for the best part of 10 years now we have not found Osama Bin Laden (if he is still alive), and as long as he remains alive, terrorists will thrive off of his radical views and propaganda.

I am intrigued to know the authenticity of the tape and will be keeping my eyes glued to all the news sites this week, as i feel the war in Afghanistan and the hunt for Bin Laden is extremely important and his capture and inevitable death are imperative to the war on terrorism.

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