
Law Lectures

So, three weeks have gone by now and the law lectures on a thursday have actually been very good in my opinion. When i first joined the university the Journalism course syllabus indicated a heavy presence of law and learning to write print journalism as it turns out its transformed into a BBC news type production each week in the form of WINOL, so the introduction of more Law based lectures has been met kindly by myself.

Learning about the courts, defamation libel is essential for us as journalists to learn the rules in regards to media coverage of court cases and any stories in the public interest. However, there are thin lines, that must not be crossed when reporting, and this is proven by the constant changing of the law, in my first year as a student i had McNae's 19th edition and now i've had to go and purchase the 20th edition as the law changes so frequently and it is essential to stay up to date and be aware of the laws in relation to journalism and reporting legally.

In Chapter one of the new McNae's Essential Law For Journalists, the book covers freedom of expression, human rights and public interest.

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