After WINOL's visit to London to film the Student protests over the rise in tuition fees, here are a few tips on hostile environments that all journalists should abide by:
1) Always have an exit strategy
2) If you are going live from wherever you are filming i.e interview in a potential place of violence, the rule is to have a friend called a "fixer" looking out for you and advising you at all times. (Example : in a foreign country have someone who knows the area and language)
3) If you get lost or in a violent situation, act completely non threatening, if you are asked for your camera hand it over peacefully. Camera's are covered by insurance, hand them over to either protestor or policeman or face jail/ possible death
The footage was strong and had good interviews and captured some great scenes and was WINOL's first proper piece of Journalism that we expect will get 20,000 + views due to its public importance.
To see the footage visit www.winol.co.uk or at YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWZyt80QQkQ.
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